(November 22, 1969 – March 20, 1971)
Forum, a Dhaka-based English weekly, was founded by Kamal Hossain, Hameeda Hossain, Zeaul Huq and Rehman Sobhan in 1969. Although its life span was short, from November 22, 1969 to March 20, 1971, and its circulation never reached beyond 2000 printed copies the magazine made an important contribution to the ongoing debates on state and nation in Pakistan at a crucial juncture. The weekly, according to its founder-editor Hameeda Hossain, gave voice to the national aspirations of the Bengali people and questioned the validity of a militaristic, theocratic state, and at the same time tried to articulate the concerns of the working class and the peasantry.
Bangladesh on Record digitized the whole collection of Forum in 2020. We express our sincere gratitude to Hameeda Hossain and Rehman Sobhan for their unstinted support




