Elephant stories

A collection of news items on elephants in Bengal.

May 18, 1892, The Englishman: 

Mr. Savi, the Superintendent of the Elephant Kheddahs at Dacca, has signalised this season by breaking fresh ground. He has brought down no fewer than 266 elephants from the heart of the Garo Hills. This part of the country has never been hunted before,owing to the difficulty of making a road by which to get out the new captures. Mr. Savi is to be congratulated on having made a big catch, and also on having extended the area of operations. It is important that the usual hunting grounds may have a rest, and now that the Garo Hills are brought within reach by Mr. Savi’s enterprise, the risk of exhaustion in the old haunts will be minimised.

The Englishman. May 18, 1892